Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Dear friends in our life we have to take the role of a teacher in one way or the other. As parents, elder brothers, sisters, friends, coach and so on we have to help out others in their growth and life. Life itself is a teacher and teaches us great lessons. But we need to remind ourselves of certain elements which will enable the students to come up in their life and to cope up with their life. If we see in today’s post-modern era teachers are more of money minded and result oriented. They look at students as objects or machines which can be fed in what the teacher want and they in return want the best result or product. We become too strict and demanding and we punish our students. In this process we teachers can forget about the human aspect of the student.

Off late I saw a movie entitled “School of Life”, where we can see the difference between two teachers. One is more worried to win the Best Teacher Trophy which his father has been getting for the past 25 yrs. He is more worried after his father dies to continue the history. On the other hand a young teacher is not worried about it but he is more interested in building his relationship with his students and helping out in their life. All the students love him and they do well. To cut the long story short, the former teacher finds out that the later teacher was about to die since he was suffering from cancer. It is at this moment he changes his approach and begins to be like the young teacher. These are the few things which the movie portrays in a strong way.

So let’s have a look at the survival kit of the teacher in order to build our relationship with our students. Let each item remind us of something about ourselves and about our students. What matters is not the result but how we deal with our students and also what kind of relationship we strike with them. The - Original Author is Unknown, later on Charles Nelson and his fellow teachers adapted for the teachers in South Carolina


  1. Rubber Band: It reminds the teachers that they have to be flexible. Things don’t always go the way we plan. But flexibility will help to work it out.
  1. Band Aid: It reminds the teachers that sometimes we do more than teach. That we help heal hurt feelings, broken dreams, and lend an ear to a problem.

  1. Pencil: It reminds us to be thankful and we should list our blessing daily. But also encourage our students to list their blessings and to be proud of their accomplishments.

  1. Eraser: It reminds us to allow students to know we are human and make mistakes just like they do, and its ok. We must all be able to learn from our mistakes.

  1. Chewing Gum: It reminds us to stick with it and encourage our students to do like wise. Even the impossible task or assignments can be accomplished by sticking to it.

  1. Mint: It reminds us and our students we are worth a mint. We may not be paid a mint, but are worth one.

  1. Candy Kiss: It reminds us that everyone needs a hug, kiss, or warm fuzzy everyday. All teachers, students, parents and even administrators.

  1. Tea Bag: It reminds us we need time to relax, go over our blessing, and take time for others. Family, husbands, wives, friends, children need quality time together.

  1. Toothpick: It reminds us to look for the good qualities in our students. You may be the only teacher who says something positive to them that day.

       A teacher must be willing to show their students how much they care!!!

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