Monday, August 22, 2011


To persevere is always a reflection of the state of one’s inner life, one’s philosophy and one’s perspective.”
- David Guterson Snow in Falling on Cedars.

Conversation of Johnny and Mamma after having observed Fr Bartholomew Dassano.

 Johnny Bosco: “If I were a priest, I should always be in the midst of the children – calling them around me – making them love me. In their ears I would whisper a word of good advice: my whole life would be consecrated to them. Oh, how I wish I could have the consolation of speaking, if only for a few minutes, with the Parish Priest. I want him to give me just one good though; one little piece of advice. It surely could not take him more than a minute.

Mamma: “Don’t you see that he’s got sermons to preach, confessions to hear and all the others cares of the parish on his shoulders?”

Johnny Bosco: “I know all this, but surely we, boys, are also of his flock.”

Mamma: “Yes, indeed you are, but he has no time to waste on you.”

Johnny Bosco: “Then was Jesus losing time when He called the little ones to His saying, ‘Allow little children come to Me. “When I am a priest you will see that I will give myself up entirely to the children. You will not see me walking about with a serious face. But I will hasten to them and be always the first to speak to them.”

Rest of the story we all know how Johnny Bosco moves along and becomes a priest who gives his life for the poor and abandoned youth. He is able to pave the way to fulfill his dream and determination. He is ever ready to die for his boys. His motto “Give me souls, take away the rest”, summarizes his determination and the words he uttered when he had a bad experience with Fr Dassano his parish priest then.

Don Bosco did not allow the incident to go off like that but he made a firm determination that he will not be like Fr Dassano. He made use of this bad experience into something enriching for himself.

Dear friends, are we able to enrich ourselves when we come across any bad experiences in our lives? How determined are we? Have we thought of becoming someone especial? Do you want to float on the river bank or do you want to swim against the current?

Remember, the words of Abraham Lincoln;
  “Determine that the thing can and shall be done, and then we shall find the way.”