Saturday, September 3, 2011


The king made a banquet and ordered his clever slave to serve the best food that money could buy. The main food at the meal was tongue... all kinds of tongue cooked in all kinds of ways. All the side dishes and even dessert were also tongue... When the king objected, the slave said: "My Lord, what excels the tongue? It is the channel of wisdom and learning. By it we make speeches and carry out business. By it great personas are made known. With our tongue we speak even to God.. King, there is nothing equal to the tongue." The king all the guests were astounded to hear all this wit and wisdom come from the slave.

 The next day the king threw another banquet. The same guests came back. This time the king ordered the slave to serve the worst kind of meat he could find. Again, he served tongue - and only tongue. When the king began to scold the slave over this, he answered: "My Lord, can there be anything worse than the tongue? Treasons, deaths, violence, injustices, fraud, murder, wars - all are debated and decided by the tongue. The tongue ruins empires and countries, peoples and families. What is worse than the tongue?"

Dear friends, what kind of tongue do you have? What kind of comments do we make? Is it constructive or destructive? When would have the slave served your tongue? 

Bible for Illiterates

Four clergymen were discussing the merits of the various translations of the Bible. On liked the King James version because of its simple, beautiful language. Another liked the American Standard version best because it comes closer to the original Hebrew and Greed. The third liked Moffatt's translation best because of its up-to-date words. The fourth clergyman was silent. When asked to express his opinion, he replied: "I like my mother's translation best."

The other three expressed surprise and wanted to know what he meant. "Well," he explained, "my mother translated the Bible into her everyday life, and it was the most convincing translation I ever saw." 

Dear friends it is not enough that we read Bible or we express our ideas from it. We need to live the Bible in our everyday life. We need to be walking Bible like Jesus. Bible is read in each action of a christian. Bible is shared when we share our life and our time according to the values we read in the Bible. Let us not only comment on the different people's version but let us become BIBLE's for others and especially illetrates.