Sunday, February 20, 2011



Roland the minister of Charlemagne, was in charge of the rearguard of the army when he was suddenly attacked by the Saracens. The battle raged fiercely against terrible odds. Now Roland had a horn called Olivant, which he had taken from the giant Jatmund, and its blast could be heard thirty miles away. So mighty was it that, so they said, the birds fell died when its blast rent the air.

Oliver, his friend besought Roland to blow the horn so that Charlemagne would hear and come back to help. But Roland was too proud to ask for help. One by one his men fell fighting until only he was left. Then at last, with his dying breath, he blew the horn, and Charlemagne came rushing back...but it was too late. Roland was dead... because he was too proud to ask for help. 

-William Barclay
Tonic for the Heart 1000 bottles Vol. 1
Frank Mihalic, SVD

Dear friends, pride is there in all and it is part and parcel of human nature. But are we too proud like Roland who did not want to blow the horn to ask for help. His pride was too much and that lead him to his death. Are we proud like him? We need to think about it. I am sure at times we do behave like Roland thinking I am all powerful, I know everything. Often we do not like to ask help and guidance in our day to day task. We feel that I am ok and  not in need of help and advice. 

Even when crisis creeps into our life we tend to sort it out ourselves and do not ask for help though very much needed. Like during exams we feel to proud to ask or clarify with our companions that matter we are not sure of. We feel and look down on our companions and see ourselves intelligent and we can handle it. But this attitude is not good and will not lead us too far. 

Pride is a vice and it will gradually kill us and brings our downfall. Asking help and guidance is not an attitude of a weak person, but rather of a person who is willing to learn form others. Had Roland acted upon the advice or suggestion given by his friend Oliver his many companions would have been saved and his life too .

So dear friends let our pride not be the reason for our ruin and death of humility, obedience, and sincerity. Let us seek help from our companions, superiors, and juniors and grow in our life. Let us not be too proud that we fail to ask help when we need most. Let us humble ourselves and ask for help and advice.