Friday, September 10, 2010


This young girl was getting married. The whole ceremony was very important to her, and she had given a great deal of though to planning something really beautiful. She even suggested that a glass of champagne around the altar afterwards could help have the celebration begin in the proper place and would bridge the gap between church and hotel. The curate gave the OK for this, in the knowledge that that was the parish priest’s day off, and he need never know!

The crowd was gathered around the altar, glasses in hand, and the festivities were in full swing when the parish priest arrived back unexpectedly and came storming out of the sacristy. On being told that the curate had given the go – ahead for this, he headed for the presbytery next door. The curate knew he was caught, but, putting on a brave face, he spoke about the wedding at Cana, and all the wine Jesus had provided for the feast. At that, the parish priest exploded, “That was totally and utterly different. The Blessed Sacrament wasn’t there.”

v    Jesus is most present in the worshipping community.
v    That is a good example of a very antiseptic form of religion, which can make us so heavenly that we end up being no earthly good!