Friday, September 24, 2010


There is a play called Our Town, and in it a young woman dies. As the play progresses, it happens that she is allowed by God to return to earth t re-live one day of her life. The day she chooses is her twelfth birthday.
A few hours into the day, she cries out “I can’t, I can’t go on. It goes so fast. We don’t have time to look at one another…Oh earth, you’re too beautiful for anyone to realize.” Then, with tears in her eyes she asks, “Do human beings ever realize life while they live it?” A voice answers her, ‘No. The saints and poets maybe – they do sometimes.”

v    If you really want to appreciate something have it taken away from you, and when you have lost it, have it then restored to you.
v    A tragedy of life is to reach the end and realize I never really live; I settled for existing.
v    Everybody dies, but not everybody lives.



One day a little mouse was caught by a lion. The lion was ready to swallow the tiny creature, when it cried out, “Spare me, great beast! Please don’t eat me. Someday I may be able to repay your kindness.”
The lion, taken aback let out a roar, threw back his head, and roared with laughter. However, he was so amused at the thought that a tiny mouse could help him the king of the jungle, that he freed the little animal.
Sometime later, the lion was captured by hunters. He was caught in a huge net and secured to a tree, while the hunters went to fetch a truck to carry him. Along came the tiny mouse. When he saw the lion and the predicament he was in, he began to chew at the rope. He gnawed an opening in the net, and the lion got free.

v God can use any of us.
v The least significant person in my life can help set me free from my selfishness, intolerance, judgment etc. It all depends on how I relate to them, or treat them.