Saturday, October 16, 2010


This story is told by a missionary in New Guinea. An old man, a recent convert to Christianity, used to come to the mission hospital every day to read the gospel for the patients. One day the man was having real difficulty reading. The doctor examined his eyes, and discovered that he was going blind and would probably be totally blind in a year or two. After that, there was no sign of the man coming to the hospital. No one knew what happened to him. Eventually a young man found him, and brought the mission doctor to him.
The old man explained the doctor that he was busy memorizing the gospels while he still could see. “Soon I’ll be back at the hospital, doctor, and I’ll continue my work of teaching the gospel to the patients.”

v    The barometer for my own level of being evangelized is my enthusiasm to tell the Good News to others.
v    If I don’t give away to others what God gives me, God may rightly take it away again.