Thursday, September 9, 2010



Three clergy men were discussing different prayer postures. Each was convinced that his way was the best. One man was convinced that kneeling was the correct posture in prayer. Another was equally convinced that the proper posture was to be seated cross-legged on the floor. Another said that, like Jesus he always prayed “looking heavenward”.

There was an electrician listening to the discussion. He interrupted them to tell that of all the postures he ever used in prayer, he prayed more sincerely one time than any other. That was when he was hanging upside down by one leg form a telephone pole in a thunderstorm, when his ladder slipped.!

 God looks at and listens to the heart when we pray.

 The organ God has given me to pray with is my heart. If the heart is not praying, then the tongue is wasting its time, no matter what the body posture is.