Tuesday, September 21, 2010



In one of Aesop’s fables there’s a story about an argument between the wind and the sun as to which of them is stronger. To settle the argument they decide to test their respective strengths against a man who was wearing an overcoat. It was agreed that whichever of them compelled the man to take off his overcoat, that one was the stronger.
The wind began the test. It blew and blew, even to gale force, but the only reaction from the man was to wrap the coat tighter around him. The sun then took over. It didn’t actually do anything. It was shone in the sky and let the heat reach the man. Within minutes the man removed his coat.

v “Blessed are the meek for they shall possess the earth.” (Mt. 5:5)
v You can catch more flies with a spoonful of honey than with a hundred barrels of vinegar.
- St Francis de Sales



Dr Joseph Matarazzo was held of the Medical Psychology Department of the University of Oregon. He would of course have been in great demand as a psychotherapist, and would have contributed a great deal to the furtherance of such science.
On one occasion however, he is quoted as saying, “That more psychotherapy is accomplished between good friends over cups of coffee at ten o’clock in the morning than all day long in doctor’s offices.’ He goes on to stress the vital importance of a good talk with a real friend, and he says that this is who is most helpful when things go wrong.

v    My friend is someone who really knows me and still loves me.
v    A problem shared is a problem halved.