Monday, February 21, 2011



1. If you love me, you will keep my commandments. In other words, true obedience spring from love, not from force.

2. The worst man in the world knows a great deal more of his duty than the best man does. It is not for want of knowledge that men go to pieces, but rather for want of obedience to the knowledge of the good they already posses.

3. He will be a poor general who has never been a lieutenant in the ranks.

4. Obedience is the pathway to freedom.

5. A horse must be broken in while he is a clot; a dog must be trained when he is young. So it is with youth. He who has never learned to submit will make himself a tyrant when he obtains power. A silver spoon has choked many a youth. - Lamentations

6. The respect one has for the rule flows naturally form the respect that one has for person who gave it. -St Augustine

7. Authority must always have behind it some value which elicits respect and reverence.

8. The real basis of obedience in the family, therefore is not the fear of punishment, just as in religion it is not the fear of hell. Rather it is based on the fact that one never wants to hurt anyone whom one loves.

9 You who are children must show obedience in the Lord to your parents; it is your duty. -St Paul to Ephesians

10. A man who has never obeyed is not the man who will know how to command. 

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