Saturday, February 5, 2011

Example Teaches, Not Books

Example Teaches, Not Books

The authorities is a part of China decided to introduce football as one of their sports. So they bought rule books, drilled the teachers in them, and told them to go out and teach the subject.

The boys memorized the rules, the teachers gave lectures and even drew diagrams on the blackboard. Then there were written tests and almost everyone failed. They were discouraged. 

Then a young sports man form Europe visited the place immediately made out why their efforts had been in vain.

"Good heavens," the visitor exclaimed, "you'll never learn to play football form books. You've got to learn by playing..."

So he bought a football, took the boys out onto the field and within a couple of hours taught them more than they had learned in the last six weeks from books."

Msgr. Arthur Tonne
Tonic for the Heart in 1000 bottles Vol. 1
-Frank Michalic , SVD

Dear friends, at times we do act like the Chinese authorities who tried to teach football only by following the rules and books. We try to go by the rules but it is not only through books and rules we learn things but through our daily experiences. I remember as a child I  learnt to keep away from the fire after having touched it. I am sure you too learned the same way.

We at times are so worried about the rules and regulations that we forget to perceive that our examples are the best method of teaching our students as well as our companions. This is the basic point Msgr. Arthur Tonne is giving us in his story "Example teaches, not books."
Even Jesus Christ taught His disciples more by His examples than by  teaching through the Torah. So friends lets try to teaches others through our examples than through books. 

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