Monday, January 31, 2011



 “The disciple asked,
“Does God accept repentance?”
The master replied,
         “Do you throw away dirty clothes?”
“No,” said the disciple.
         The master replied,
“Neither will the God throw you away.”
                                             - Anonymous
“There are 3 kinds of giving:
Grudge giving, duty giving and thanks giving.
Grudge giving says, “I hate to”;
Duty giving says, “I ought to”;
Thank giving says, “I want to”.
-Robert Rodenmayer

 “We come to love not by finding a perfect person
But by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.”
-          Sam Keen (To Love and Be Loved)

 “Life is more than motion; it is music;
more than rest; it is peace;
more than work; it is duty;
more than labour, it is love.”              
     “Give a rose from your life each day, not a thorn;
                                     A word of cheer leave behind as you pass along;
                                     Bring a smile to a careworn face, not a tear;
                                     And you will gather rare flowers while living here.”
                        -Charles Bancroft

 “To recognize another’s need and to sacrifice
Your own basic needs are truly praiseworthy.
To forget our own pain at someone else’s agony
      And to console them is the mark of a selfless existence.”

 “The greatest evil is the lack of love and charity,
Terrible indifference towards one’s neighbour
Who lives at the roadside assaulted by exploitation,
Corruption, poverty and disease.”
                                                - Mother Teresa

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