Saturday, January 29, 2011


William Barclay tells the story about an old school teacher. Before beginning to teach a class, he used to stand before his class and bow to them. He always did this with great reverence.

One day someone asked him why he did this. He replied that he did this because he just didn’t know how many of the children might turn out to be big shots. He saw each child as a bundle of possibilities and he bowed in the belief that many of them would become unique, special, and worthy of deep respect in later life.

God endows each of us with the potential to become great in the best sense of that word. So how am I making use of this bundle of possibilities? Am I just letting go the opportunities that come my way? Do I neglect my God given talents and potentials? Do I give respect to my companions, my juniors and seniors? Am I able to see a bundle of possibilities in them?

-                            Others deserve respect, have a right to it; it is what a human being should receive. Quite often it comes only when the other has merited it through success, authority, power or influence.

-                            Everybody is on earth with equal right. The most handicapped child is on this earth with as much right as the greatest genius that ever lived.

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