Friday, December 10, 2010



Three priests were on a retreat together. They were sharing their struggle and difficulties with each other. The atmosphere seemed right and it seemed safe to share at a depth that was much deeper than usual.

One priest confessed to being a secret drinker, and he gave much detail of how he managed to conceal and cover up that fact. The second priest confessed to having a gambling addiction even to using money form the parish account to feed his addiction. He spoke of his dread of the inevitable when he could no longer cover up, and his scam would be uncovered.

The third priest was reluctant to share and it was only after persuasion that he confessed his secret weakness: he was incurable gossip. He has never been able to keep a secret!

Dear friends what kind of person are we? Are we like the first priest, or second priest or the third priest? I hope not like the third priest who gossiped all the time. If we are like him let’s try to control our tongue every time we are tempted to gossip.

v    “If anyone can control his tongue, it proves that he has perfect control over himself in every other way.”

v    I may not plant a bomb or fire a bullet, but I can destroy others with a word.

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