Monday, November 8, 2010



This story is told to show the difference between the teaching of Confucius and Buddha and the teaching of the gospels.
A man fell into a dark, slimy pit, and he tried to climb out, but he couldn’t. Confucius came along, he saw the man in the pit, and said, “Poor fellow, if you had listened to me, you never would have fallen into that pit.” And Confucius went on his way.
Buddha came along. He saw the man in the pit, and said, “Poor fellow if he’ll just come up here, I’ll help him.” And Buddha went on his way.
Then Jesus came along, He saw the man and said, “Poor fellow!” and jumped into the pit and lifted him out.

- Incarnation means that God came to join us exactly where we are, as we are. God could love us from a distance, but decide not to.

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