Monday, October 11, 2010



Two frogs accidentally fell into a bucket of cream. They swam around and around in the cream, and every effort they mad to climb up the side of bucket was in vain. They were trapped, with no evident means of escape.

One of the frogs gave up, thinking there was no point in hoping where there was no clear hope and he just went to the bottom and drowned. The other frog was not quitter. He was convinced that there must be a way out, and he was determined to find it. He gave it his best shot, as he splashed and thrashed around in the cream. Imagine his surprise and his relief after a while when he found himself sitting on top of a big lump of butter! He rested there, regained his strength, and leaped out of the bucket.

v The only real sin for the Christian is despair. The victory is ours, but we often give up too soon, and leave, before the miracle.
v “Always have an explanation ready to give to those who ask you the reason for the hope that you have.” (1 Pet. 3:15)

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