Monday, October 18, 2010



There is a poem that likens our relationship with Jesus to two people on a tandem bicycle. At first, I sat in the front; Christ the rear. I couldn’t see him, but I knew he was there. I could feel his help when the road got steep. Then one day, Christ changed seats with me.
Suddenly everything went topsy-turvy. When I was in control, the ride was predictable – even boring; but when Jesus took over, it got wild! I could hardly hold on.
“This is madness,” I cried, but Christ just smiled and said, “Pedal!” And so I leaned to shut up and pedal – and trust my bike companion. Oh there are still times when I get sacred. But Christ just smiles, touches my hand – and says, “Pedal!”

-Jesus says, “Follow me, let’s go…stop thinking about it!”
- “He that follows me walks not in darkness, but has the light of life.” (Jn 8:12)

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