Saturday, October 2, 2010



A little boy was crying bitterly in class. The teacher asked what was wrong and he said that his sister was really dead, because they had put her in the ground and covered her up!

The teacher took the boy by the hand and brought him over to the window, on which was a box of clay. Some weeks earlier the class had planted seeds in the clay. The teacher explained that they were not intended to remain as seeds. They were planted in the clay, and after a while they began to sprout and grow into plants and flowers – which is what they wee meant to become.

She poked in the clay with her finger and removed one of the seeds, which has already begun to put forth shoots and to put down roots. “The seed is not dead,” she said; “it is changing and it is now becoming what it was always meant to become.”

-    “For us Christian people, life is changed, not ended.”
-     When I die, I then become all that God created me to be.
-     If you ever wake up some morning, and you find that your life is all it should be, then, don’t move – just call the undertaker.

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