Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Love Beyond Naiveté and Romance
By Ronald Rolheiser

Deat friends one of my friend's named Jayaraj Arulappan, send me this mail and I thought it would really tigger our minds so here I am posting it to you. Read it and think over it. 
Several years ago, a Presbyterian minister I know challenged his congregation to open its doors and its heart more fully to the poor. The congregation initially responded with enthusiasm and a number of programs were introduced that actively invited people from the less-privileged economic areas of the city, including a number of street-people, to come to their church.

But the romance soon died as coffee cups and other loose items began to disappear, some handbags were stolen, and the church and meeting space were often left messy and soiled. A number of the congregation began to complain and demand an end to the experiment: "This isn't what we expected! Our church isn't clean and safe any more!  We wanted to reach out to these people and this is what we get! This is too messy to continue!" 
But the minister held his ground, pointing out that their expectations were naïve, that what they were experiencing was precisely part of the cost of reaching out to the poor, and that Jesus assures us that loving is unsafe and messy, not just in reaching out to the poor but in reaching out to anyone.

We like to think of ourselves as gracious and loving, but, the truth be told, that is predicated on an overly-naïve and overly-romanticized notion of love. We don't really love as Jesus invites us to when he says: Love each other as I have loved you! The tail-end of that sentence contains the challenge: Jesus doesn't say, love each other according to the spontaneous movements of your heart; nor, love each other as society defines love, but rather: Love each other as I have loved you!
And, for the most part, we haven't done that:
·       We haven't loved our enemies, nor turned the other cheek and reached out to embrace those who hate us. We haven't prayed for those who oppose us.
·       We haven't forgiven those who hurt us, nor forgiven those who have murdered our loved ones. We haven't, in the midst of being hurt, asked God to forgive the very people who are hurting us because they are not really cognizant of what they are doing.
·       We haven't been big-hearted and taken the high-road when we've been slighted or ignored, nor at those times have we let understanding and empathy replace bitterness and our desire to withdraw. We haven't let go of our grudges.
·       We haven't let ourselves be vulnerable to the point of risking humiliation and rejection in our offers of love. We haven't given up our fear being misunderstood, of not looking good, of not appearing strong and in control. We haven't set out barefooted, to love without security in our pockets.
·       We haven't opened our hearts enough to imitate Jesus' universal, non-discriminating embrace, nor have we been able to stretch our hearts to see everyone as brother or sister, regardless of race, colour, or religion. We haven't stopped nursing the silent secret that our own lives and the lives of our loved ones are more precious than those of the rest of the world.
·       We haven't made a preferential option for the poor, haven't brought the poor to our tables, and haven't yet abandoned our propensity to be with the attractive and the influential.

·       We haven't sacrificed ourselves fully to the point of losing everything for the sake of others. We haven't ever really laid down our lives for our friends - nor, especially, for our enemies.  We haven't been willing to die for the very people who oppose us and are trying to crucify us.

·       We haven't loved with pure intention in our hearts, without somehow seeking ourselves within our relationships. We haven't let our hearts be broken rather than, however subtly, violate someone else.

·       We haven't walked in patience, giving others the full space they need to relate to us according to their own inner dictates. We haven't been willing to patiently sweat blood in order to be faithful. We haven't waited in patience, in God's good-time, for God's judgement on right and wrong.

·       We haven't resisted our natural urge to judge others, to not impute motives. We haven't left judgment to God.

·       Finally, not least, we haven't loved and forgiven ourselves, knowing that no mistake we make stands between us and God. We haven't trusted God's love enough to always begin anew inside of God's infinite mercy.

·       We haven't loved as Jesus loved.
After his wife, Raissa, died, Jacques Maritain edited a book of her journals. In the Preface of that book he describes her struggle with the illness that eventually killed her. Severely debilitated and unable to speak, she struggled mightily in her last days. Her suffering both tested and matured Maritain's own faith. Mightily sobered by seeing his wife's sufferings, he wrote: “Only two kinds of people think that love is easy: saints, who through long years of self-sacrifice have made a habit of virtue, and naïve persons who don't know what they're talking about.”

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The wedding.
Her name is Katie Kirkpatrick, 21 yrs old. Next to her is her fiancé, Nick, 23.
This picture was taken prior to their wedding January 11th, 2005.
Katie has terminal cancer and spends hours in chemotherapy.
Here Nick awaits while she finishes one of the sessions...
Even in pain and dealing with her organs shutting down, with the help of morphine,
Katie took care of every single part of the wedding planning.
Her dress had to be adjusted several times due to Katie 's constant weight loss.
An expected guest was her oxygen tank. Katie had to use it during the ceremony and reception.
The other couple in this picture is Nick's parents, very emotional with the wedding and to see their
son marrying the girl he fell in love when he was an adolescent.
Katie , in a wheel chair listening to her husband and friends singing to her.
In the middle of the party, Katie had to rest for a bit and catch her breath.
The pain does not allow her to stand for long period of time.
Katie died 5 days after her wedding. To see a fragile woman dress as bride with a beautiful smile
makes you think... happiness is always there within reach, no matter how long it lasts.....
lets enjoy life and don't live a complicated life. Life is too short.
Work as if it was your first day.
Forgive as soon as possible.
Love without boundaries...
Laugh without control
and never stop smiling.
Please pray for those suffering from cancer.
We all have close to our heart.
Keep this going.
Prayers are always answered.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


1. I know i'm not a perfect friend,
You're broken heart, i've tried to mend.
Instead i made you hurt and cry,
Maybe i should say goodbye.
Would it be better for me to go?,
I asked you, and you said "No".
Why say no when i hurt you so bad,
But believe me, 
you're not the only one that's sad.
I made my best friend hurt like mad,
If i left would you be glad?.
Deep in my heart, 
I'll always know,
I'll love you always,
Even if i go!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Everyone has Problems

A mother who had lost her only son went to the man of religion in her village and said: "Is there anything you can give me to reduce the pain that I feel?" "Yes," he said. "There is a wonderful thing you can do. I want you to go and get me a mustard seed from a home that has no problems. Such a mustard seed can ward off all problems. When you find it, bring it to me and I will use it to relieve your pain." So the mother started out and came to a big mansion. Nothing could possibly be wrong here! She knocked on the door, told what she was looking for, and they answered, "You've come to the wrong house." And then they told her all their problems. As she was listening to their problems, she thought, "I know something about problems... Maybe I can help these people with theirs." So she listened to them; and this helped people. She kept on searching for her magic mustard seed. But no matter where she went, she could not find that seed. Everyone everywhere had some kind of troubles.
But she really did find the magic mustard seed, because in trying to help others solve their problems, she forgot all about her own. 

Hey! friends do you want to solve your problems? If wanna do it just help others to solve their problems like the lady in story. You will forget all about your problems. 

Friday, September 16, 2011

Life is like an Echo

A little boy came running excitedly to his mother saying: "Mom, there is a boy out there in the woods who is mocking me. Everything I say he says after me. If I say: "Hello," he says: "Hello." When I say "Who are you?" he says: "Who are you?" "So I got mad and jumped over the fence and went into the woods to find him. But he wasn't anywhere. So I yelled, "I'll punch you in the nose." And he said the very same thing, exactly as I had said it." The boy's mother told him, "That is only an echo answering you Billy. If you had said: 'I love you,' it would have said the same to you." There is a similar story about a dog who went into a room full of mirrors. He eventually died of exhaustion trying to fight his mirrored 'enemies.' If he had only wagged his tail once, he would have had all of them wagging their tails in friendship.

Dear friends, Life is like an echo or a mirror: we get out of it what we put in. So today as we spent time doing many things let us be reminded that what we do is the result of what we learn. Let us learn to be good so that we may be good. Our actions are the echo of what we have learned and achieved in our daily lives. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Once God promised an elderly lady that he would visit her that day. So she got ready... She scrubbed and cleaned and polished and dusted and put everything in order. Then she sat down and waited for God to come. Suddenly someone knocked. She raced to the door and quickly pulled it open and what did she see but just a poor beggar standing outside. "No, not today," the lady said, "for heaven's sake get along with you... I am waiting for God to come any minute now... I can't be bothered with you." The beggar left as hungry as he had come. A bit later there was another knock. The lady opened the door even faster than before. A poor old man stood there. "Sorry," said the lady, "I can't take care of you today." With that she slammed the door in his face. Quite a bit later someone again knocked at the door. Again it was a ragged hungry beggar. She sent him off empty-handed and sat down to wait. Evening came on and still there was no sign of God. Finally she went to bed with a heavy heart. She dreamt that the good Lord had come to her and said, "I came to you three times today and all three times you threw me out."

Dear friends, there is an old custom in the monasteries of Europe. All guests, all people coming to the door, are treated well, because they believe in the old saying: "When a guest comes, Christ comes." So today Christ is gonna come to meet you and me in a form of a friend, guest, beggar, or person in need. So how ready are we to receive HIM? 

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Rosary - Simply Amazing!

Jim Castle
was tired when he boarded his 
plane in 
Cincinnati , Ohio , that night in 1981. The 
45-year-old management consultant had put on a week long series of business 
meetings and seminars, and now he sank gratefully into his seat ready for 
the flight home to 
Kansas City , Kansas . 

As more passengers 
entered, the place hummed with conversation, mixed with the sound of bags 
being stowed.. Then, suddenly, people fell silent. The quiet moved slowly up 
the aisle like an invisible wake behind a boat. Jim craned his head to see 
what was happening, and his mouth dropped open. 

Walking up the 
aisle were two nuns clad in simple white habits bordered in blue. He 
recognized the familiar face of one at once, the wrinkled skin, and the eyes 
warmly intent. This was a face he'd seen in newscasts and on the cover of 
TIME. The two nuns halted, and Jim realized that his seat companion was 
going to be Mother Teresa!

As the last few 
passengers settled in, Mother Teresa and her companion pulled out rosaries. 
Each decade of the beads was a different color, Jim noticed.. 
The decades represented various areas of the world, Mother Teresa told him 
later, and added, 'I pray for the poor and dying on each continent.' 

The airplane taxied 
to the runway and the two women began to pray, their voices a low murmur. 
Though Jim considered himself not a very religious Catholic who went to 
church mostly out of habit, inexplicably he found himself joining in. 

By the time they 
murmured the final prayer, the plane had reached cruising altitude. Mother 
Teresa turned toward him. For the first time in his life, Jim understood 
what people meant when they spoke of a person possessing an 'aura'. As she 
gazed at him, a sense of peace filled him; he could no more see it than he 
could see the wind but he felt it, just as surely as he felt a warm summer 

'Young man,' she 
inquired, 'do you say the rosary often?' 'No, not really,'  
he admitted. 

She took his hand, 
while her eyes probed his. Then she smiled.. 'Well, you will 
now.' And she dropped her rosary into his palm. 

An hour later Jim 
entered the 
Kansas City airport where he was met by his wife, 
 'What in the world?' Ruth asked 
when she noticed the rosary in his hand. They kissed and Jim described his 

Driving home, he 
said. 'I feel as if I met a true sister of God.' 

Nine months later 
Jim and Ruth visited Connie, a friend of theirs for several years. Connie 
confessed that she'd been told she had ovarian cancer. 'The doctor says it's 
a tough case,' said Connie, 'but I'm going to fight it. I won't give up.' 
Jim clasped her hand. Then, after reaching into his pocket, he gently twined 
Mother Teresa's rosary around her fingers. He told  
her the story and said, 'Keep it with you Connie.. It may 

Although Connie 
wasn't Catholic, her hand closed willingly around the 
small  plastic beads. 'Thank you,' she 
whispered. 'I hope I can return it.' 

More than a year 
passed before Jim saw Connie again. This time her face was  
glowing, she hurried toward him and handed him the rosary. 

'I carried it with 
me all year,' she said. 'I've had surgery and have been on chemotherapy, 
too. Last month, the doctors did second-look surgery, and the tumor's 
gone.. Completely!' Her eyes met Jim's. 'I knew it 
was time to give the rosary back.' 

In the fall of 
1987, Ruth's sister, Liz, fell into a deep depression after her divorce.... She 
asked Jim if she could borrow the rosary, and when he sent  
it, she hung it over her bedpost in a small velvet bag. At 
night I held on to it, just physically held on. I was so lonely and afraid,' 
she says, 'yet  when I gripped that rosary, I 
felt as if I held a loving hand.' 

Gradually, Liz 
pulled her life together, and she mailed the rosary back. 'Someone else may 
need it,' she said. 

Then one night in 
1988, a stranger telephoned Ruth. She'd heard about the rosary from a 
neighbor and asked if she could borrow it to take to the hospital where her 
mother lay in a coma. The family hoped the rosary might help their mother 
die peacefully. A few days later, the woman returned the beads. 'The nurses 
told me a coma patient can still hear,' she said, 'so I explained to my 
mother that I had Mother Teresa's rosary and that when I gave it to her she 
could let go; it would be all rosary in her hand. Right away, we saw her 
face relax. The lines smoothed out until she looked so peaceful, so young.' 
The woman's voice caught. 'A few minutes later she was  

Fervently, she 
gripped Ruth's hands. 'Thank you.' 

Is there special 
power in those humble beads? Or is the power of the human spirit simply 
renewed in each person who borrows the rosary? Jim only 
knows  that requests continue to come, often 
unexpectedly. He always responds though, whenever he lends the rosary, 'When 
you're through needing it, send  it back. 
Someone else may need it.' 

Jim's own life has 
changed, too, since his unexpected meeting on the airplane. When he realized 
Mother Teresa carries everything she owns in a small bag, he made an effort 
to simplify his own life.

'I try to remember 
what really counts - not money or titles or possessions, but the way we love 
others,' he says. 

Dear friends very many of us do recite rosary daily and at times it may look like a mere routine for many. But there is power when we roll or fingers on the beads. We come in union with Christ and His Mother. As we saw how people's life changed through the rosary may we also change and change others life through our daily recitation of the rosary. 


Please feel free to 
pass this mail on, especially to all those in despair so  
that they might know that they are not alone in their hour of 

The reason I sent 
you this mail is because I know the power of the prayers of these simple 
beads and I wanted to share it with you. Every sacrifice has 
a fruitful reward. Every failure has a second chance. 

We only have to be strong thru God's grace and persevere in life's many tests!
May GOD bless you always.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Faith in God

Smitty was a hard-headed farmer. When a flood hit the area, he climbed onto the roof of his house. A rescue boat came along but Smitty told them, "No, thanks. I have faith in the Lord. He will save me. The waves got even higher and Smitty had to go to the very top of the roof. Another boat came by to save him, but he still insisted that the Lord would save him. Then the water began to get his feet wet and a helicopter swooped down to take him away. But Smitty still depended on the Lord to save him. Well, you can easily imagine what happened. Yes, Smitty was drowned. When he stood before the Lord in the next world, he complained, "Lord, I had such faith in you. Why didn't you save me?" To which the Lord replied, "What more do you want me to do? I sent you two boats and a helicopter."

Dear friends, Saint James in his letter puts it this way: "It is by his actions that a man is put right with God and not by his faith alone" (James 2: 24) 

Friday, September 9, 2011


A man realized that he could not hear very well and that he had to buy a hearing aid. But he did not want to spend much money on it. So he went to the store and asked the clerk, "How much do hearing aids cost?" "Well" said the salesman, "it depends. They run from two dollars to two thousand.'' "Let me see the two dollar model," the man said. The clerk hung a string around the man's neck. "Just put this button in your ear," he said, "and stick this string in your pocket." "How does it work?" asked the customer. "It doesn't work. But when people see it on you, they'll speak louder."

Dear friends, actually most of our communications problems are not due to people speaking too softly, Most of us are not good listeners. Big companies know that people want to be listened to. One company uses the motto: "We listen better, and another company says, "We hear you." As one little girl promised, "I'll try to listen  louder." 

Today's Gospel also tells us that whoever listens to God's word is like a person who builds his/her house on the rock where the foundation is dug deep and whoever does not listen to His voice is like a man who builds his/her house on a sand and when flood water comes his/her house collapses. So let's be a good listener. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

They tell a story about the wise King Solomon of the Old Testament. One day his friend the Queen of Sheba sent him two vases of roses. One vase had real roses in it; the other had hand-made roses, which were so perfect that she challenged King Solomon to tell her which roses were the real ones without smelling them. That was no problem to the wise Solomon. He just opened the window and let in a swarm of bees. They flew right over to the real roses. Many people may look alike from the outside, but God can easily tell the difference.

Saint Paul in Galatians 6:3 puts it this way, "if someone thinks he is somebody when really he is nobody, he is only deceiving himself." 

Sunday, September 4, 2011

God Needs Our Hands

At the end of World War II a group of soldiers offered to help the people of a destroyed village in any way they could. But instead of asking for food, money, or farm equipment, the townsmen asked for help in restoring a statue. For years their proudest possession had been a statue of Christ in their own town square. Now it lay shattered into many pieces. Could the soldiers help put it together again? It was a difficult task, chips and pieces lay all over the square. Finally the statue was repaired except for two missing parts that the soldiers could not find. Finished, they covered the statue with a silken parachute, so that it could be unveiled in a ceremony before the townspeople, even though it was incomplete. On the occasion the mayor of the town gave a speech and pulled the cord of the silken drape... It dropped from the statue, showing a Christ without hands. At first the townspeople were shocked. Then they looked down at a sign which the soldiers had put at the feet of the statue. It said: "I have no hands. Won't you please lend me yours?"

Hi, friends today we know Jesus is not with us physically as He was with His Apostles. He needs our HAND, so are you ready to Lend your HANDS to Him, to serve the poor and needy? Remember Jesus said,   "Whenever you did something for one of the least important of these brothers of mine, you did it for me." Matthew 25:40

Saturday, September 3, 2011


The king made a banquet and ordered his clever slave to serve the best food that money could buy. The main food at the meal was tongue... all kinds of tongue cooked in all kinds of ways. All the side dishes and even dessert were also tongue... When the king objected, the slave said: "My Lord, what excels the tongue? It is the channel of wisdom and learning. By it we make speeches and carry out business. By it great personas are made known. With our tongue we speak even to God.. King, there is nothing equal to the tongue." The king all the guests were astounded to hear all this wit and wisdom come from the slave.

 The next day the king threw another banquet. The same guests came back. This time the king ordered the slave to serve the worst kind of meat he could find. Again, he served tongue - and only tongue. When the king began to scold the slave over this, he answered: "My Lord, can there be anything worse than the tongue? Treasons, deaths, violence, injustices, fraud, murder, wars - all are debated and decided by the tongue. The tongue ruins empires and countries, peoples and families. What is worse than the tongue?"

Dear friends, what kind of tongue do you have? What kind of comments do we make? Is it constructive or destructive? When would have the slave served your tongue? 

Bible for Illiterates

Four clergymen were discussing the merits of the various translations of the Bible. On liked the King James version because of its simple, beautiful language. Another liked the American Standard version best because it comes closer to the original Hebrew and Greed. The third liked Moffatt's translation best because of its up-to-date words. The fourth clergyman was silent. When asked to express his opinion, he replied: "I like my mother's translation best."

The other three expressed surprise and wanted to know what he meant. "Well," he explained, "my mother translated the Bible into her everyday life, and it was the most convincing translation I ever saw." 

Dear friends it is not enough that we read Bible or we express our ideas from it. We need to live the Bible in our everyday life. We need to be walking Bible like Jesus. Bible is read in each action of a christian. Bible is shared when we share our life and our time according to the values we read in the Bible. Let us not only comment on the different people's version but let us become BIBLE's for others and especially illetrates.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Forgiveness of Sins

A missionary on one of the islands was sitting in his cool seaside hut one day when one of the village women came in, carrying a handful of dripping sand she had just picked up off the beach. "Do you know what this is?" she asked. "It looks like sand," said the missionary. "Do you know why I brought it here?" she asked. "No. I can't imagine why," the padre answered. "Well, these are my sins," the women explained. "My sins are as countless as the sands of the sea. How can I ever obtain forgiveness for all of them?" "You got that sand down by the shore, didn't you?" said the missionary. "Well, take it back there, and pile it up into a heaping mound of sand at the water's edge. Then you sit back and watch the tide come in and slowly wash away the pile altogether. That is how God's forgiveness works."...

Dear friends, Our God is a merciful God. He is always ready to forgive us of our sins. Only we need to approach Him and show our repentant and contrite heart. He is always ready to receive us no matter how sinful we are. In Isaiah 1:18 God says to the people: "Now, let's settle this matter. You are stained red with sin, but I will wash you as clean as snow. Although your stains are deep red, you will be as white as wool."